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Visit Brisbane for an intensive rehabilitation immersion package with Denise Stewart.

Choose between consecutive days or alternate days (program over 5-10 days).



Day 1: Initial consultation with 20 min foot soak (easy way to increase                              magnesium to the body)

Day 2:  45 min treatment session  +  20 min foot soak

Day 3:   Shoulder exercise review  and home program review + whole body                     realignment session (30 mins) . 30 min session with Vagus Nerve                          stimulation  +  20 min foot soak

Day 4:   30 min treatment session.  Realignment of neck  with posture training                 exercise.  Vagus Nerve session + foot soak.

Day 5:   30 min treatment session with  emphasis on self-management                               strategies and purchase of treatment tools. Vaugus Nerve session +                    foot soak.

Add ins:

Walking training focusing on posture and foot placement ( 30 min sessions)

Walking with poles training (30 min sessions)

Poles can be loaned for your 5-10 day program


Receive daily epsiodes of the most recent Breast Cancer Rehabilitation & Wellness Summit to your email inbox (complimentary) 



For Health Fund members, a receipt for the OT sessions will be provided. Check refund limits with your Health Fund.




  • There is sound evidence for use of Vagus Nerve Stimulation to Ear for improvements in mood, pain and sleep.

    The TNS settings and ear clips need to be customized to your physical needs and your body's response. 

    This treatment can then be used at home on a daily basis over 4- 6 weeks and then on an as need basis.

    There is extensive research for anxiety, depression and inflammation and increasing discussion in the literature about the valuse for cancer patients.

    This research article for people over 55yrs old is an easy read:














  • Often people are taking magnesium oralluy and still report muscle spasms and heightened pain experience. Sometimes the gut is just not working well and so your magnesium may not be getting processed and sent to the where it is needed.

    Magnesium soak allows the mineral to be absorbed into the skin and direcly in to the blood stream- bypassing the gut.


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