Privacy Policy
Reviewed June 2018
Breast and Shoulder Rehab is a sole operated business by Denise Stewart who is a registered Occupational Therapist.
Personal and sensitive information will be collected and used under the guidance of the Australian National Privacy Policy.
Personal and medical information will be collected with the primary aim of engaging in assessment, design and implementation of Occupational Therapy advice and interventions. It may be necessary to share your information to another health care provider whom I need to consult with respect to your care. Under any circumstance, only the minimum amount of information necessary from your occupational therapy record will be used to accomplish the intended purpose of the disclosure.
Information used for Educational Purposes
Personal information may be used for educational purposes and in this case you will be requested to provide consent for the data used.
No information gathered will be disclosed unless:
You have consented; or
Where the secondary purpose for which the personal information will be used is related to the primary purpose and a person would reasonably expect the personal information to be used or disclosed in that way. Eg progress notes in a medical file, report for equipment orders.
Your consent will be required for the release of information to:
Your legal representatives or related legal cases against you;
To health professionals of your choice;
To family members of your choice;
For my use in matters not listed in the above situations.
Security of information storage and disposal
Individual records will be kept securely for 10 years (secured filing cabinet, secured venue, password secured private computer) and then be destroyed by shredding.
Access to your personal records kept by Breast and Shoulder Rehab/ Denise Stewart.
An individual can request to see their own file information upon a written request or a verbal request in person.
You are entitled to ensure that your personal details are accurate.
Reports written on behalf of the individual will be available to view by the individual.
Contact Denise Stewart to request your access: 07 3356 2497 or email:
Requests from Third Party (eg Solicitors, other Health professionals, other agencies in the supply of the service) of personal / sensitive information for an individual held by Denise Stewart/ Breast and Shoulder Rehab. Such persons requesting this information will require a consent form completed by the individual concerned, specific to the type of information required for release.
Release of information to suppliers or third party service delivery
This may be required for the application of equipment/ service delivery for that individual such as the treating Doctor, or nominated health professional.
Use of photographs, video and personal data collected for marketing or educational purposes.
Consent will be gained in written format.
Features which can result in easy identification will be withheld eg face.
Unique identifiers
Veteran Affairs numbers will be used on paperwork such as:
invoices to DVA
supplier equipment applications
requests to DVA
Your rights regarding access to your Occupational Therapy record.
You may request restrictions to the uses and disclosures of your record- except with regard to emergencies or as required by Law.
You have a right to inspect, copy and request amendments to your Occupational Therapy report to ensure accuracy. There may be a cost involved for some services.
All requests for inspection, copying or amending must be made to Denise Stewart.
If you have concerns
If you have any concerns regarding your Privacy with Denise Stewart, please make contact with Denise Stewart by mail or email.
If your concerns are not alleviated, then you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman or the Privacy Commissioner:
Contact Details for Denise Stewart:
3 Beatson Tce Alderley 4051
Based on Australian Privacy Act 1988
Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009