Emad Besher
Emad is a Physiotherapist currently working at Physiotherapy & Lymphedema Department at National Cancer care & Research Center in Doha,Qatar and has worked in the hospital system providing post- breast cancer care in Egypt.
Emad will speak about AWS / Cording care and the barriers for Physiotherapists delivering breast cancer rehab in the Middle East.
Egypt and Qatar

Denise Stewart
Denise is a private Occupational Therapist and has worked with women after breast cancer for over 25 years. Denise developed new testing methods to detect AWS and wrote AWS (cording): a self assessment guide. Online training programs have been developed for both health professionals and people after breast cancer, to learn more about assessing and managing unwanted physical impairments.
Denise will present her work on Share Cording/ AWS Protocols Project and assessments for Mastectomy scar and AWS.
Brisbane, Australia

Elisabeth Josenhans
Elisabeth is a private Physical Therapist and has worked with women after breast cancer in Germany and provides training for physiotherapists in her techniques. Elisabeth was the first therapist to share videos of her cording treatment and mastectomy scar on the internet.
Elisabeth will present her work on scar tissue treatments for Cording/ AWS care and mastectomy scar. A translator will be used for this presentation.

Eeris Kallil
Eeris Kallil is a massage educator, practitioner (Lic.CMT) and a breast cancer survivor.
Eeris will speak about her Core Alignment Technique.
Contraindications and guidelines for massage therapy after breast cancer and how to include mindfulness, visualization and relaxation techniques in sessions .
Colorado USA

Jane Van De Velde
Jane Van De Velde, DNP, is a registered nurse and Reiki Master Teacher. She is the founder of The Reiki Share Project, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to teach Reiki to individuals dealing with serious illness, disability, and trauma.
Jane has worked extensively in the cancer community for over ten years offering Reiki sessions and classes to patients and caregivers.
Jane will share her experiences in teaching Reiki as a holistic self-care practice to those coping with a cancer diagnosis through treatment and recovery.
Researched outcomes regarding the integration of Reiki practice in cancer care will also be presented.
Susie Nichols
Susie from Washington State USA, has a background in Genetics and Cellular Biology and Occupational Therapy.
Susie Nichols offers these items up as essential for her to treat post breast cancer AWS/ cording. We are all looking forward to her explanation.

Lou James
Lou a Physiotherapist in New Zealand is passionate about supporting breast cancer survivors in their recovery.
Lou created Pinc and Steel, a training program for physical therapists- to share her understanding and interventions for breast cancer survivors.
Listen to the issues that matter to Lou for improving breast cancer rehabilitation.
New Zealand

Dr Andrea Pusic
Dr. Andrea Pusic is Associate Professor, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Cornell University in New York City.
Dr Andrea and her team work to provide international patient outcome scales- the first being Breast Q.
Patient questionnaires been designed specifically to suit the variety of breast cancer surgery types and their impact.

Naomi Aaronson
Naomi Aaronson is an Occupational Therapist and Pilates instructor who has used Pilates in the rehabilitation of breast cancer survivors and is the co-author of Pilates for Breast Cancer Survivors: A Guide to Recovery, Healing, and Wellness.
Recent research has demonstrated that Pilates can be an excellent adjunct to traditional therapeutic exercise techniques. Naomi will present her insights into Pilates for post breast cancer care.
New York USA

Marjorie Brook
Marjorie is a massage therapist, author and international educator. Her approach to scar tissue treatment lead to developing the Strait Method TM and is taught to health professionals across the world.
Marjorie will share insights from her extensive pain and scar tissue research and clinical experience treating people with problematic breast cancer scars.
Long Island, New York, USA
Delva Shamley

Delva has worked in academia for 26 years. She is currently Director of the Clinical Research Centre at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Her work in breast cancer ranges from proteomics and genomics of latent effects of adjuvant therapy, to the development of long term surveillance programs and integrated care pathways for rehabilitation of the upper limb.
South Africa

Laura Mutti
Laura, a physiotherapist in a public hospital in Italy, works with women to help reduce pain and scar tissue after breast cancer.
Laura will present her methods and experience with treating women after breast cancer - an Italian small city public health experence . Listen in to Laura speaking Italian with an English Translator.
Mantova, Italy

Carol Michaels

Karen Anderson
Janet Schloss

Carol is the author of Exercises for Cancer Survivors and developed the Cancer Specialist Recovery Course in partnership with the National Federation of Professional Trainers. Carol is founder of the Recovery Fitness® cancer exercise program and has been recognized for her work with 2016 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year.
Carol will share insights from her work with cancer survivors and program development.
New Jersey, USA
Karen is an Exercise Physiologist from Australia with two passions: designing exercise programs to reduce the impact of specific medical conditions on people and connecting people with side effects from cancer treatment to the right health professional.
Karen will present insights into developing an international website to help make it easier for cancer survivors to get the help they need by connecting with health professionals.
Janet is a Naturopath and Clinical Nutritionist from Australia. Janet assisted in the writing the book "Cancer a biochemical and nutritional approach"- (2002 and 2003) and has written the cancer chapter in the book "Clinical Naturopathy" (Sarris and Wardle 2010).
Janet will speak about the nutritional care that can be provided during radiation and chemotherapy to help breast cancer survivors.
Brisbane, Australia
Marianne Cirone

Marianne is a writer, yoga and wellness educator, healthcare consultant and passionate advocate for people affected by cancer. Marianne founded the Integrative Cancer Review 2015 and is Principal Investigator on a study on yoga, Reiki and massage for cancer patients published in the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing in 2016.
Marianne will share her insights from her 12 years of experience with cancer patients working towards wellness through these practices.
Chicago, USA

Susannah Haarmann
Susannah Haarmann is a physiotherapist in the United States specializing in pelvic health, lymphedema and oncology treatment. Susannah lectures nationally in pelvic health topics and internationally in her 2-day course 'Rehabilitation for the Breast Cancer Patient.'
Susannah will be discussing the impacts of medical interventions for breast cancer on hormones and sexual function, conservative methods to improve vulvovaginal health and progression back to pleasurable intercourse and partnership.
North Carolina, USA

Michael Stubblefield MD
Avinoam Lerner

Micheal Stubblefield is Director
of Cancer Rehabilitation, Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation (USA) . Michael is co-author of Cancer Rehabilitation: Principals and Practice - the only text book in
this field of practice.
Micheal will be presenting at the first International Cancer Rehabilitation Summit at
Pentagon City (USA) in November 2016.
After earning his degree in Holistic Health from the international Ridman College for Complementary
Alternative Medicine in Israel in 2000, Avinoam was certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) as well as the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in the USA.
Avinoam will discuss the immune enhancing benefits of the subconscious-mind and how supporting people in this area can help them cope with, and overcome the many challenges embedded in the cancer journey.
Boston, USA
Kelley Mondesire

Kelley Mondesire', DA, AP, L.Ac., is a Rhode Island, New York, and Florida Board Certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a concentration in integrative cancer treatment and recovery. Kelley has been treating cancer patients at her private practice in the Wall St area for over 11 years.
Kelley will discuss how Chinese Traditional Medicine can play an important role in the healing process of the cancer patient when the oncologist and acupuncturist work as a team for the optimal treatment of their patient.
New York, USA

Claire Davies
Dr. Claire Davies is a Physical Therapist and Research Consultant at Baptist Health
Lexington, Kentucky USA.
She has over 20 years of clinical practice experience in manual therapy and orthopedics and has spent the last 12 years in
oncology rehabilitation.
Dr. Davies has spoken at National and International conferences on Astym therapy in breast cancer and outcome measures for breast cancer related lymphedema.
Listen to her past and current research; outcome measures and clinical applications in oncology.
Kentucky USA

Annette Loudon
Annette’s 25-year yoga teaching career has been dedicated to working with yoga in a therapeutic way.
She has specialised in working with people having treatment for breast cancer, and lymphoedema. She holds a Masters in Medical Sciences degree by research with several peer-reviewed publications into the effect of yoga on lymphoedema from breast cancer. Annette conducts teacher training face to face and online for both Yoga for Breast Cancer and Yoga and the Lymphatic System and Lymphoedema.

Having found her own way to wellness through the practice of
meditation, nutrition and exercise, Rii is passionate about working with
people diagnosed with cancer-through her business RiiMitchell
Meditation Therapy.
The link between stress and immune system dysfunction is a
scientific fact now. With the practice of Stillness Meditation Therapy, a medically based therapeutic meditation, the mind experiences a state of complete rest to a point where the mind does not register
discomfort or pain of any kind;
restoring the body’s natural balance.
Rii will speak about her methods to help people successfully learn
meditation, deeply rest their mind and body and naturally reduce
anxiety and stress during and after cancer treatment.
Brisbane, Australia
Rii Mitchell
Andrea Melendi, Physiotherapist,
has dedicated 10 years to the rehabilitation of post operative breast cancer, both motor and vascular.
Andrea is a professor at the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Mendoza,
Argentina and trains kinesis as an integrated approach to the patient after breast cancer surgery.
Andrea is from Argentina, in the province of Mendoza and her language is Castilian. This presentation will share her work in Argentina through a translator.
Andrea Melendi

Wendy Smith
Wendy is a Certified Prosthetist and Clinical Anaplastologist with 25 years of experience in the field of somatic or body prosthetics. Wendy started her prosthetics work at the Health Sciences Centre, Rehabilitation Engineering Department in Winnipeg, until 1995.
Now Wendy has her own company Bressante Inc- so she can help women deal with the effects of breast cancer and manage post surgery body changes. She has designed a
line of breast prostheses that are soft, lightweight, comfortable and adjustable.
Listen to Wendy speak about her work in designing and
making functional and beautifully life like prosthetics
that are accessible to clients regardless of their geographic location.

Karin Johansson
Karin Johansson is a physiotherapist, Lymphedema specialist at the Department of Oncology, Division of Cancer Rehabilitation, Lymphedema Unit, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. PhD, Associate professor, Dep of Health Sciences, Division of Physiotherapy, Lund University, Lund,Sweden Member of the Board of International Society of Lymphology, European Society of Lymphology and Swedish Society of Lymphology.
Specialist advisor for the National Guidelines for Breast Cancer Care in Sweden. Editor of the National
Lymphedema Guidelines in Sweden.
Karin's research focus is early diagnosis as well as physical activity for prevention and treatment of arm lymphedema following breast cancer treatment, and measurement of health related quality of
life for lymphedema patients.

Dr David Wilkinson
David is a surgeon who has developed a passion for educating people about using food to prevent cancer and reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.
He has treated thousands of cancer patients over the last 20 years in his capacity as a breast and endocrine specialist. After repeated requests for information about the potential benefits of specific foods, he sorted through the complex maze of available research, and crystallized the results into a core of evidence-based practical advice in his book “Can food be medicine against cancer?”
David will explain the scientific principles behind this approach, and give some detailed examples of common foods which you can teach in your practice, to point women with breast cancer in the right direction with regard to anticancer nutrition.
Brisbane, Australia

Dr Linda Carlson
Dr. Linda Carlson holds the Enbridge Research Chair in Psychosocial Oncology, is Full Professor in Psychosocial Oncology in the Department of Oncology, Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary, and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology. She is the Director of Research and works as a Clinical Psychologist at the Department of Psychosocial Resources at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary, Canada.
Dr. Carlson has published over 150 research papers and book chapters in the area of psycho-oncology.
Listen to Dr Linda's review of how her research has developed clinical practice to help people manage distress after cancer.
Calgary, Canada

Alene Nitzky
Alene Nitzky, Ph.D, RN, OCN is an oncology nurse and CEO & Founder of Cancer Harbors™, an online restorative service for patients and caregivers during and after cancer treatment. She is also the creator of the FIERCE®: Functional & Fit, Independent, Energized, Restored, Confident & Empowered Concept for building skills, improving function and quality of life, and reducing risk of cancer recurrence as well as comorbidities.
Alene will speak about her FIERCE concept , her book and Cancer Harbors program, and explain their theoretical basis in leisure sciences, motivation, self-efficacy and skill-building.
Colorado USA

Stella Maris Glowinski
Stella is a physiotherapist and has been working with oncology patients for many years in Rome, Italy. Stella is a specialist in the conservative treatment of lymphedema and motor and physical rehab of oncology patients.
Stella will present (in Italian) with a translator, her view on the impact of surgery methods and the use of taping to facilitate recovery after breast surgery. See real case breast cancer surgery and recontruction photos and videos of interventions.
This is colourful presentation in many ways.
Rome, Italy

Lorna Golombick
Lorna is the principal Physiotherapist and Director at Lime Physical Therapy. Her unique skill set has been gathered over the past 23 years in the areas of musculo skeletal physiotherapy,
pilates, lymphoedema management, cancer rehabilitation and SCENAR therapy. Lorna is well known for taking on the care of patients with complex and chronic conditions who may have been put in the “too hard” basket by other health professionals. This is what led her to working with cancer patients as a Pinc and
Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist.
Lorna will speak on her experience with Scenar therapy with post breast cancer patients.
Brisbane, Australia

Shira Litwack
Shira is a Medical Fitness Professional & Health Coach | Cancer Exercise Specialist.
Shira believes in an integrative approach to healing - disease prevention and recovery is all about orchestrating the inner cacophony into a beautiful symphony.
Exercise, Nutrition & Lifestyle habits construct our inner ecosystem, which determines if we are able to fend off or succumb to illness. Listen to Shira speak about oxidation stress and management - the science and the practical day to day approaches for breast cancer survivors.
Toronto, Canada

Andrea Leonard
Andrea founded both the Breast Cancer Survivor’s Foundation and the Cancer Exercise Training Institute (President). She has been certified as a corrective exercise specialist by The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), as a personal trainer by The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and as a Special Populations Expert by The Cooper Institute. Andrea wrote Essential Exercises for Breast Cancer Survivors and developed the Cancer Exercise Specialist Advanced Qualification and Breast Cancer Recovery BOSU(R) Specialist Advanced Qualification for health and fitness professionals.
Andrea will share her wealth of experience in exercise program development and health professional training.
Portland Oregon USA

Dr Robin Dilley
Dr. Robin B. Dilley, PhD., the author of In a Moment’s Notice: A Psychologist’s Journey with Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer ABC Therapy, is a licensed clinical psychologist with 35 years’ experience. She studied and practiced psychotherapy since 1978 and achieved her doctoral degree from Union Institute in 1992.
Passionate about personal growth and redirection, Dr Robin believes regardless of the problem there is a solution found in the journey, not in the destination. Listen to Dr Robin describe how journaling can help breast cancer survivors.
Arizona USA

Linda Conyard
Linda has used oncology massage to work with clients with all types of cancer. Linda has also been a palliative care volunteer with a community based hospice, completed two levels of spiritual care of the dying, completed Midwifing Death training and had her own family experience of dealing with cancer and is a Gestalt Psychotherapist/Counselor (Masters) and Family Constellation Facilitator.
Linda uses all of these experiences to help people understand trauma that has not been processed - which can either manifest as a symptom or by their reactions to life situations.
Linda will talk about her work-
facilitating growth through the trauma.
Brisbane, Australia

Jamie Elswick
Jamie has been a massage therapist in Alaska for 25 years and studied Oncology massage and trained with Gayle MacDonald. Since 2004, Jamie taught in the US and abroad teaching; Massage for People Living with Cancer, and Gentle Techniques for the Post Mastectomy Post Radiation Client.
Jamie is the Director of Anatomy at the University of Alaska, Anchorage for the School of Medical Education and has taught both in the university system (anatomy) for 15 years and extensively in massage therapy programs in Alaska.
Jamie will describe her view of anatomy and healing for people with problematic post breast cancer scar tissue.
Julie Bach

Julie Bach is the Executive Director for the non-profit Wellness for Cancer and is the lead instructor at Breathe-Eagle, a Meditation and Mindfulness Center in Colorado. The Wellness for Cancer curriculum is based on many people's experiences, including Julie's experience of being in and out of cancer centers for 15-years for her parents, being a caregiver and not knowing what to do, and working with clients who have experienced cancer in her wellness facility and cancer centers since 2001. It is also based on fielding the many questions from within the industry on how to work with clients who have experienced cancer.
Listen to Julie's work to bring cancer awareness to the Spa industry .